Chris Neuteboom

I am 55 years old, married and father of 2 studying daughters. From 1986 to 1992 I studied Electrical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, from which a graduated on the application of Neural Networks in Control Engineering. At that time there was a short revival of Artificial Intelligence, nowadays I find it really interesting to see what a huge flight AI is taking.

Ever since 1994 I have been working in IT and I experienced during my career the revolution of (mobile) telecommunications, the developments of the Internet (including the Internet bubble) and the rise of e-Commerce in logistics.

Ceduna IT

The name Ceduna is chosen because it is a composition of my initials C.D.N. Orginally it is the name of a town in South Australia, click here for more information about this quite isolated spot.

The logo of Ceduna IT shows the sea and the dunes like we know these at the Dutch shore. I developed the logo because it symbolizes a broad overview and looking for the right perspective in my work.