My vision on IT and projects

In the past years I have gained a broad experience on IT development project. In my opinion four aspects are of high importance to successful implementations:

Always keep results in sight

Concrete results yield a lot. That is why it is important to achieve results in every phase of a project, perhaps small but concrete! These results give satisfaction in the work and direction for the next steps to be taken. Result-oriented and Agile working are important motivatioal drivers for me.

Combining what and how

Clarity about ‘how’ and ‘what’ (and of course also ‘why’!) are important ingredients for successful projects. As far as I’m concerned, the process (how) of working (the project apprach) cannot be separated from the matter itself (what) and vice versa. Understanding the matter thoroughly helps to formulate and use the right approach and the other way around.

Customized implementation

IT has to be right, 100%. If IT doesn’t do what you expect it to do, it won’t do you much good. Standardization where possible and customization where needed is a valuable combination in my opinion. The use of Low Code highly customizable software, with which I have gained extensive experience in recent years, offers excellent possibilities to combine these.

Give attention to everyone

IT is people’s business. Because it is knowledge-intensive and requires many different disciplines, many people are involved. I assume that everyone with their best intentions would like to contribute. Making sure that people are seen, heard, valued and motivated is one of the most important aspects for success for me.